Helpful Hints

8 Clever Shortcuts To Peel & Slice


Fan a Tangerine:  Peel the top and bottom of the tangerine so only a belt of skin remains in the middle.  Use your fingers to make a slit in the rind, then unfold the fruit and separate each piece. You'll have a strip of juicy slices ready to pick off the skin.


Cup a Mango:  Cut the mango in half along its pit.  Next, place the fruit at the rim of a glass cup (where the skin and inner flesh meet)  Push down.  the finicky thin skin will peel off in one piece, and fresh mango will be left in the cup.


Skin a Peach: Boil peaches for 2-3 minutes then immediately place them in a bowl of ice water.  Once the peaches are cool, make a small slit in the skin with a knife then peel if off with your fingers.


Slice Potatoes: Use your apple cutter to slice a potato.  You'll have perfectly sized pieces to bake as wedges.


Shuck Corn Cleanly:  Slice off the stalk one inch above the last row of kernels.  Microwave for 2-4 minutes (for multiple ears add more time) Then gently shake and squeeze the husk (wear an oven mitt-it will be hot hot)  until the corn slides out.  The steam separates threads from the kernels!


Halve Cherry Tomatoes:  Find 2 storage container lids the same size.  Place cherry tomatoes on top of one, then firmly hold the other lid on top of the tomatoes.  Use a very sharp knife to slice through the entire bunch at once.


Dice and Avocado:  Cut the avocado in half lengthwise.  Cautiously spear the pit with the heel of your knife and remove.  Slice intersecting horizontal and vertical lines - like a grid-into the flesh (but don't cut all the way through the skin.)  Use a spoon to remove all the cubes at once.


Spoon out Kiwis:  Chop off each end of the kiwi, then insert a spoon between the fuzzy skin and the flesh.  Slide it around the entire kiwi, then push out the tasty inner fruit.

Here is a way to thaw and soften common foods


Soften butter:  If you want to make butter spreadable and a puddle put the amount you plan to use on a plate.  Fill a glass with hot water until it is warm on the outside, then pour out the water, dry quickly, and place the glass over the butter.  After about a minute, the butter will be soft and ready.

Berries:  It's best to thaw frozen berries in the refrigerator overnight.  However, if you can't wait, pour them into a bowl and cover with cold water.  This will thaw one cup of blueberries in about 5 mins.

Ice Cream:  Heat a sharp knife under warm water, then use it to make 1" deep cuts in a grid formation, spacing the lines about 1" apart.  Run a scooper under warm water, and easily serve up each section.

Defrost Meat:  Place meat in a plastic bag then put it on top of an upside-down aluminum pot.  Fill another pot with room temperature water, and set it on the meat.  In 5-10 minutes your meat will be defrosted.


How to freeze berries, milk, bacon grease, avocados, and tomatoes


Berries:  Freeze berries on a baking sheet in a single layer first. Once frozen transfer to a plastic freezer bag.

Save Milk:  Freeze a gallon of milk up to 3 months but pour out a little bit first if the container is full.  Thaw in the refrigerator for 2 - 3 days.

Bacon Grease:  Pour leftover bacon fat into an ice cube tray and freeze.  Use by warming up the cubes and drizzle on salad, over popcorn, or use them to fry potatoes.

Avocados:  Puree with a food processor and add one teaspoon of lime or lemon juice (to prevent browning) per avocado. Store in airtight container up to 5 months.  Great for guacamole.

Tomatoes:  Freeze ripe whole tomatoes in a single layer on a tray with parchment paper.  Once frozen, transfer to a freezer bag.  Keep up to 8 months.  To thaw, run under warm water, and the skin will slip right off.